등록일자 2013-07-23 06:00:10 조회수 1384
이름 장수현(Angela) 이메일 gsnels@naver.com
제목 My Two-month English Study Experience in GS

작성일 : 2008-05-09 오전 11:43:15

Hi! My name is Angela.

I am a first year university student in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies.

I would justlike to share my experiences that I had in GLOBAL STANDARD (GS) English LearningSchool.

At first I have doubts in going to study English in the Philippines because like Korea, Philippines is in Asia. A lot of countries in Asia don't actually speak in English.But I heard and actually researched that there are a lot of International Schools in the Philippines and people there actually can speak in English. So I just tried my luck.

Then I heard about Global Standard from the internet research. So I enrolled in this school (just trying my luck again). I arrived at the Clark international Airport and the president picked me up, I was expecting to travel far going to GS like an hour or so. But it only took usthree minutes to get to the school (quite near, hehe).

Then I arrived in school, The school is quite big, it'sgreat, it has a big campus ground with lots of beautiful trees I haven't seen before. It has BambooHouses (it is a traditional house in the Philippines made of bamboos. grass and straw), it also has a swimming pool (cool!), it also has a Golf Driving Range. The environment is clean and wide, it's not polluted, and it's peaceful. It is really more than whatI was thinkingor expecting.

Thearea is very safe because the school is located within Clark Economic Zone. No problem with the security because if you might not know Airforce City is also located in this place so it is surrounded by soldiers, policemen, and guards.

As I entered the school a lot of people greeted me, students and teachers, they werefriendly, they are all smiles andI was so shy (at first). Then they brought me to my room. The room is great because I was expecting a boring dorm room like there is only a bed but it has all that I needed. It has TV/DVD Playerand a refrigerator (it's just what I need when I'd liketo relax), and a nice bathroom.Isn't it nice

But what I didn't know was that I have a roommate. At first I felt uncomfortable with the thought that I have a roommate andshe's a Filipino. I don't know how I can communicate with her because I only know a very few basic words in English like "Hello, Hi, Good Bye, etc."But Iwas thinking that it is also for my own advantage tohave a Filipino roommate so thatI can practice English well.

I was fixing my things when suddenly my roommate arrived, then we had an introduction, we said our Hellos. Her name is Moree. She's pretty and she's very, very kind. She is one of the Supervisors in the GS school (Wow, I'm so lucky!). And of course I wasn't expecting that again.She works with other two Supervisors and Korean Managers and they are also kind. I took a rest for a big day the next day.

In the morning, I took a shower and waited for my roommate. We went to eat breakfast. Oh gosh, the breakfast is so good. I was thinking that it's a Filipino dish and no problem about that, but I'm not used to ohter dishes. But I was wrong again. They serve Korean dishes and fresh tropical fruits even at lunch and dinner. It's so good. I was so surprised that the cooks are Filipinos, but they are good in cooking Korean foods.. Delicious!

Itook a level test and after that, books were carefully chosen for my level.I studied for four hous in a one on one class andtwo hours for a group study class.

During my first days in the school, I felt so shy and nervous, but my teachers welcomed me warmly and they were very kind, understanding and really patient. So after that, I felt comfortable with them, I became friends with them and also with other students.

About the teachers. My teachers are so good in teaching English, they had trainings, they have good pronunciation, and they have good teaching skills.They have their own unique ways on how to teach us. The teacherswere very patient in dealing with us. They were strict, but for our own good. They make it sure that we learn something from them.

The Curriculum. The school's curriculum is so effetive because it includes all the learning areas in English like Grammar, Pronunciation, Reading Comprehension, Writing and Composition. My favorite subject was CNN in a one on one class, because I learned how to speak well and that includes my pronunciation and intonation. It also includes grammar and listening,I like it because I learn everything about English in it.

The best part is that we get to have free two-hour TOEIC classatnight, and a free Golf lesson twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). The Golf Teacher (Teacher Jay) is a professional golfer and is very kind. At first, I wasn't interested in golf and then I had the chance to try it then I learned to like it, and I became actually good in it.

We also get to go to the malls, resorts or beachesand othertourists spots during the weekends. We went to Hundred Islands with the students and teachers, I enjoyed a lot because the view is so good, this tourist spot is famous here in the Philippines it has 100 small Islands, we travel by boat going to a few islands, we went swimming and the water is refreahing and clean. This isjust one of my experiences thatI had in touring.

We also get to go to teachers' houses like in Teacher Leigh's house. We learned how to cookafamous PhilippineDish. It is called "Adobo". It is made up of pork and chicken meat with potatoes seasoned with soy sauce and vinegar and it's very delicious.And we also made a dessert, a cold cake and it's so easy to make. I really had a lot of fun having this experiences.

I am planning to go back to GS this coming Summer Vacation. WHY GS In my two months of stay here, I learned a lot about English, how to speak it, how to write it and how to understand it (in just two months). My professor in the University speaks in English and I can understand them well now.

I really enjoyed everything here. I miss all my teachers and friends and I'd like to learn more about English and have more new experiences to enjoy. I did not only learn about English but how to make friends and enjoy. Thanks to GS.

So I strongly recommendGlobal Standard to all the students who wouldlike to learn English, not only learning English but enjoying at the same time in the Philippines.

I really miss GS teachers and all the experiences that I had.
I hope to see you again this Summer.
I miss you all! ^^* ~ Take care always~!!
